Sunday, November 15, 2009

Relationship Rant

Relationships are so complicated.
I'm not just talking about romantic ones- I'm talking about any kind of interaction with other people.
Friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends...
Honestly, I LOVE my friends. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them.
Well, I have an idea.
But really, sometimes it's so hard... who to be friends with, how much you hang out with them, how all your different friends interact with each other...!
It's all too much!
Sorry, I know this probably makes no sense.
But, this is my rant for today- I just really needed to get it off of my chest.


bloggeranonymous said...

SARAH! Glad your back first of all!
Secondly - I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!!! It's like that everyday with my "work" friends!
A lot of them are into drinking and stuff and they always invite me out so I have to pick and choose when I should go. Like go enough to maintain friendships, but not go enough to avoid disaster!!! The parties aren't funn so it's definitely a sacrifice I have to make!
and even the mixing of my like "church" and "work" friends can be kinda crazy - but I know that the friends I made should reflect myself in a way, so I shouldn't be afraid to "show them off"!

Making the RIGHT friends is the hard part!!!

Sarah-Jill said...

Thanks Josh!! =)
Yes, totally!! I'm being invited to many drinking parties at school. The thing is though, the ones I'm invited to aren't THAT bad- a few people are a bit tipsy, but nothing more. And it's still fun hanging out with the sober people. =)

It definitely is!!

Chanelle-Lize said...

I totally understand, Jilly.

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah,

Well I think you are figuring it all out. :-D
But I totally agree....I'm having my own troubles at the moment as well. :-/

miss you!
Hopefully I will see you soon. :-)


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