Friday, July 18, 2008

Life Lately

Hey! I know I haven't written for a while, but life has been insane! In a good way, though. :)
Since I last wrote, I went to my grandparent's cottage; hung out with my youth group at Science World, Stanley park, and other places; had my gr. 7 piano exam and passed it (yay!); and many other awesome things! And one really bad thing: my rabbit, Angel, died on June 22. My whole family was pretty sad, considering we'd had her for about 7 years. But, she was pretty old- she was already a few years old when we got her, so she was about 10, more or less. That's pretty old for a rabbit! But she still looked like a baby, because she was a dwarf rabbit, so she was pretty small. Here's a few pictures of her from a few years ago:
Pretty cute, eh? :)

Well, take care now! God bless!


bloggeranonymous said...

Aww Sarah! That's sad! Your bunny was cute though!! I always wanted one...
I like you Blog by the way!

- Josh

Sarah-Jill said...

Yeah :(
But, it's all good :)
Thanks! :)

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