Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ok, More Now!

Ok, here are some pictures from Mexico!

Sarah K and I on the train- the first train, that one, was 36 hours long!!!! The second one was 2, and then there was a lot of driving, so it was a pretty long trip! And on the was back, the train was delayed, so it was 38 hours long! :/ Haha, a lot of fun though!

Napping on the train :)

On the train, hiding from a picture, haha!

Joy and I, chillin' on the bus to Mexico.

Me, as a clown- these two little kids, a girl and a boy, kept doing that to me, so I was copying them :P

Ha, we got one of them!!

Me 'n Katie, clowning around!

Me holding this adorable little girl!!

Haha, freaking out a little kid :)

Brad and I, getting paint off the front door... the hammer came in handy for that! :)

Our team, under the second biggest Mexican flag in the world!
Some of our team! See the flag above us? By the way, the date is waaaaaay off :P

The flag!

One of the drimes (drama/mime) called Rag Man; where Jesus takes on all our sins. I wonder if that was the take where I dropped him...

Another drime, called The Empty Heart, where a clown (me), is trying to fill my heart with different worldly things, and then discovers the Jesus is the only one who can fill my heart. Right there, I was trying to fill my heart with money.

I got to speak through a translator when I shared my testimony!

Jodi and I were trying to take a picture, and Serena jumped in with paint all over her- that totally made the picture, haha :)

I love this picture! This was on top of a hill overlooking the whole town. I'm on the left, with Sarah K, Jasmine, and Serena.

Well, I hope this gives you a look into what I was up to when I was there! If I find anymore I want to put on here, I'll do that, but for now, here's just some! Take care and God bless!

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