Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Poor Wrist! :|

Helol! Opp,,s! Ah, OOPS!! :|
sORRY nooo, Sorry about my messiness! In a way, this what I'm typing about.
What do I mean? Well, my left arm is in a sling.
*pauses while anyone who knows me finishes their groaning*
Yes, again.
What happened?
Not telling,
It's rather embarrassing!
But I will sat no, say that it was believed to just be a sprain and a few jammed joints, though now after comparing notes with my sister (who fractured her wrist a couple years ago) I believe that it might be a fracture. I have all the same symptoms as she had, and it hurts more, and gas grrr HAS been hurting longer than my other sprains, so now I'm a little worried!
So could any prayers out there please pray?
It would be much appreciated!! :)
Anyways, I've got to go!
God bless!


ruthie said...

Oh little one, what will I do with you?

Sarah-Jill said...

I don't know!! :|
I'm sure it's probably just a sprain, but you can never be too sure...

Amanda A said...

At least it works for being Mrs. Potts!! Hahah!! Praying for you! Hope it's not a fracture!!

bloggeranonymous said...


Sarah-Jill said...

Amanda: Thanks! It does? But I can't bend it! lol!
Thanks again! :)

Josh: I know, I know!! :|
But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about! I'm already going to the doctor for my spine and hips and etc, so I'm just getting it checked at the same time! ;)

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