Monday, March 2, 2009

Exhilaration! Celebratory Finale

So, my concert was last night! You know, the one with the Elektra Women's Choir, the Mira program I was in? Well, it went great! I made it through all 10 songs, which were in English, Latin, Croatian, Serbian, and Japanese! The other choirs that sang with us were the Balkan Babes from Victoria, Brilliant Harmony from Tokyo, and WWU Women's Chorale from Bellingham. They were all SO amazing!! And I loved their conductors too! Ko from Tokyo was SO funny!!!! Our conductors are great too! :)

Has anyone reading this ever been to Christ Church Cathedral? If you haven't, check out the pictures below. Anyways, when you're not singing, you have to sit in the pews and the chairs that were set up behind the stage, so depending on the size of the choir, you may or may not be seen.

This is the front of the church, including the stage.

Anyways... when the Balkan Babes were singing one of their songs... well... I fell asleep. Ok, I know that sounds bad, but it wasn't because their singing was horrible or something!! In fact, they were AMAZING! But, the music they sing is so hypnotic... it's all in different languages, with lots of little trills and stuff... it's hard to explain, but I promise, it wasn't anything to do with their voices! Plus, I was REALLY tired, and sick too. So that's why. But I just had to share this story, because I found it funny. :)
When I was asleep, I had a dream that me and my friend Rachelle (my friend who was sitting next to me) were on Broadway, preforming Hairspray... she was Tracy, and I think I might have been Penny... weird, huh?!?

Anyways, my whole Mira experience was AWESOME, and I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed to have been able to be a part of something so exciting, fun, and wonderful. I can't wait to do it again next year!! I wonder if I can request to get the same mentor... all of us Mira girls were assigned mentors from Elektra to help us and make us feel really welcome. My mentor's name is CLee (pronounced See-Lee), and she was just great! I would LOVE to get her again next year!! I already miss her! I wanted to cry wen I was saying goodbye. And I miss Kate... and Nancy... and Grace... oh, I miss them all!! =(
I miss the Mira girls too! But, at least, I think they all have Facebook. ;) I actually gave up Facebook for lent, but when that's over, I'll add them!

Here are the only pictures that turned out: (courtesy of my little sister, the photographer) =P
In her defense though, you couldn't use a flash.

You can't actually see me, but I'm somewhere on the left (when you're looking at it)

And this is me with my 2 friends that did the Mira program with me! Love you guys!

Anyways, that's all I have to say!

God bless!


Elizabeth said...

Hey Sarah! Glad to hear that your performance went well :)

Sarah-Jill said...

Me too! =D
I was worried I'd forget the songs, since they were in so many different languages.

bloggeranonymous said...

That is SO cool! Honestly! Good job Sarah! You deserved to experience this!

Sarah-Jill said...

Thanks Josh! =D
I actually was feeling the whole time that I didn't deserve to experience something like that (everyone there was sooo good!!) so I found it really funny that you said that!

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